Palvelemme tänään

Asiakaspalvelu 013 318 198 9–15 9–15 9–15 9–15 9–15 Suljettu Suljettu 21.6.2024 Suljettu 6.12.2024 Suljettu 24.12.2024 Suljettu 25.12.2024 Suljettu 26.12.2024 Suljettu 1.1.2025 Suljettu

Kontiokaari itsepalveluasema 6–22, henkilökunta paikalla 13–19 6–22, henkilökunta paikalla 13–19 6–22, henkilökunta paikalla 13–19 6–22, henkilökunta paikalla 9–15 6–22, henkilökunta paikalla 9–15 6–22, ei vaarallisten jätteiden, sähkölaitteiden eikä maksuttomien jätteiden vastaanottoa 6–22, ei vaarallisten jätteiden, sähkölaitteiden eikä maksuttomien jätteiden vastaanottoa 21.6.2024 6–22, ei vaarallisten jätteiden, sähkölaitteiden eikä maksuttomien jätteiden vastaanottoa

Kontiosuon jätekeskus 8–16 raskasliikenne 8–16 raskasliikenne 8–16 raskasliikenne 8–16 raskasliikenne 8–16 raskasliikenne Suljettu Suljettu 21.6.2024 Suljettu

Ilomantsin jäteasema 9–13 Suljettu Suljettu 15–19 Suljettu Suljettu Suljettu 21.6.2024 Suljettu

Kontiolahden jäteasema 15–19 Suljettu Suljettu 9–13 Suljettu Suljettu Suljettu 21.6.2024 Suljettu

Liperin itsepalveluasema Myllynkaari 6–22 6–22, henkilökunta paikalla 14–18 6–22 6–22 6–22 6–22 6–22 17.6.2024 6–20.30 15.7.2024 6–20 9.10.2024 6–9.30 ja 11–22 21.10.2024 6–20

Polvijärven jäteasema Suljettu 9–13 Suljettu 14–18 Suljettu Suljettu Suljettu 26.12.2023 Suljettu 9.5.2024 Suljettu


Puhas Ltd

Puhas Ltd is a Finnish enterprise established to provide waste management services, and jointly owned by five municipalities: Joensuu, Ilomantsi, Kontiolahti, Liperi and Polvijärvi. The catchment area of Puhas Ltd comprises approximately 112 000 inhabitants. 

The primary business activity of the company is to render waste collection and waste processing services throughout the aforementioned region. Puhas Ltd has contracted out its waste transportation services to private transport companies selected on a competitive basis.

Join waste management

Puhas Ltd is the established waste management service provider in the area, rendering a waste service contract for single houses and summer cottages; this covers combustible waste with a regular emptying frequency of the bin. The buyers and builders of a summer cottage or a single house must contact Puhas Ltd themselves to organize the waste management in their new premises.

The billing party is Puhas Ltd. Puhas Ltd also provides an option to draw up a joint-contract on sharing a waste collection bin with neighbours. The waste management fee is then split equally among the service subscribers. 

To make a contract or discuss further details, please call our customer service number +358 13 318 198.

For row houses and apartment buildings, the waste management fees are usually included in the building maintenance fee.

Price list


From biowaste to energy and fertilizers

Biowaste is organic and degradable waste generated by households. Food leftovers can be composted in a composter on your own yard. Puhas Ltd also provides an optional service contract for biowaste in urban areas. Instead of composting your biowaste in your own yard, you can take advantage of our biowaste management service.

To make a contract or discuss further details, please call our customer service number +358 13 318 198.

From waste to raw material

Puhas Ltd and Finnish Packaging Recycling RINKI Ltd provide drop-off-points (Ekopiste) for recyclable wastes such as paper, glass, carton, metal, textiles and plastic packages. 

The building associations may also have set up their own collection bins for recyclable waste (except for textiles and plastic packages) on the premises of apartment complexes or row houses.

From waste to energy

Combustible waste (Mixed waste) that cannot be recycled as material for new products will be utilized in district heat and electricity production at Riikinvoima Eco-Power Plant.

Hazardous waste and electric equipment

Puhas Ltd provides collection points for hazardous waste and electric equipment in each one of the five aforementioned municipalities. Hazardous waste and electric equipment generated by households are received free of charge. Kontiokaari self-service station (Kontiokaari itsepalveluasema) in Joensuu and Waste Stations in Ilomantsi, Kontiolahti, Liperi and Polvijärvi also render a service for receiving household-generated hazardous waste and electric equipment.

Pharmaceutical waste must be returned to a pharmacy.

Batteries and small rechargeable batteries must be taken to their sales outlets.

Thank you for sorting waste!

Take the following waste items to the Kontiokaari self-service station in Joensuu or the Waste Station in Ilomantsi, Kontiolahti, Liperi and Polvijärvi

  • Hazardous waste
  • Large-size waste items and furniture
  • Incandescent bulbs and halogen light bulbs
  • Glassware, porcelain and ceramics
  • Contsruction waste
  • Garden waste (No reception of garden waste in Ilomantsi, Liperi and Kontiolahti)

Take contact

If you are in need of any kind of advice or, for example, need a waste container delivered onto your premises or would just like more information on waste matters, please do not hesitate to call our customer service on +358 13 318 198 or contact us by email: